Thursday, April 19, 2007

B'bya Sanjaya!

Adios Sanjaya!

Can I just say how happy I am Sanjaya was FINALLY voted off American Idol?!?! He should have been gone weeks ago. Heck, he never should have made it to the top 24! Oh well, all is said and done and he's GONE!

I am however quite upset that Blake and Lakisha were in the bottom 3. Are the people voting completely deaf?! Now I can't sing. I don't even pretend I can. However, I do know good singing when I hear it and there were others who should have been in the bottom 3. I mean come on- Chris says he intends to sing nasally. WTF? No one intends to do that. It is just a sign that buddy, you're just not that good. I thought for sure Chris would be in the bottom 3 and would be the one to get voted off. I actually thought we'd be stuck with Sanjaya another few weeks. I predicted Chris and Phil would precede him. Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled Sanjaya got the boot but I really didn't expect it.

I'm hoping that Blake and Lakisha will not be in the bottom 3 again. They are two of my favorites and both deserve to make it to the final 3. I'm crossing my fingers!!!

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